SPACE CALCULATOR Livingroom Air conditioner Bookcase Baby carriage Bookshelves Cabinet Chair, arm Chair, straight Chair, occasional Chair, overstuffed Chair rocking Desk, writing Desk, misc Fireplace equip. Sofa, 6ft. Lamp Sofa, sectional/pc Sofa, loveseat Table, coffee Table, end Media center TV, sm flat scrn TV, lg flat scrn Wall Unit Kitchen & Dining Room Freezer Dehumidifier Dishwasher Range Refrigerator Washing machine Dryer Buffet, base Table, dining Chair, dining Server Bedroom Table, small Chair Bed, bunk Bed, double Bed, single Bed, king Bed, queen Bed, rollaway Bookshelves Chair, BR Bureau Chest, cedar Cabinet, corner Desk, BR Dresser, single Dresser, double Nightstand Armoire Misc Box, all-purpose Box, wardrobe Box, legal tote Box, book Bicycle File cabinet, 2 drw File cabinet, 4 drw File cabinet, cdbd Golf bag Fan Suitcase Hamper, clothes Patio chair Patio chaise lounge Piano, baby grand Piano, upright Patio table Table, game Table, card Rug, small Rug, large Sewing machine Trunk Vacuum cleaner Your estimated cubic footage * If an item is not listed, substitute a similarly sized item. The figures generated by this calculator are to be used only as estimates for storage unit size. Reserve Now